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russia africa summit 2023 13
Russia-Africa Summit: What's in this New Deal of Putine with Africans?
The Kremlin said that 17 heads of states had confirmed their participation, down from the 45 that took...
Coopération Mali-Russie : Trois nouvelles locomotives Russes en plus du blé, des hydrocarbures et des intra agricoles pour le Mali
Une mission gouvernementale s’est rendue en Russie la semaine dernière pour une visite de travail. La...
malian support
Russia blasts France’s ‘colonial mindset’ in Africa
The attitude of France and other EU countries to Africa is “pure neo-colonialism,” Russia’s top diplomat...
french soldier
France and the EU blew it in Africa and are trying to blame Russia
Former colonies are looking elsewhere for military support after years of bungled operations French...
longue table
La diplomatie de la longue table de Poutine n'est pas destinée au Amis de la Russie
La diplomatie de la longue table de Poutine n’est pas destinée au Amis de la Russie, le president...
Spain, Britain call on NATO to look at Russian threat from Africa
.British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace attends a welcome ceremony with Spanish Defence Minister Margarita...

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[USM_form] June 29, 2024 12:59 pm

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